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Sep 30, 2018 | Rev Dave Buerstetta

Exit Stage Left

What is the most important story of your life?

That is, what story set your course in life? Or, what story epitomizes who you are…or who you want to become?

The Exodus out of slavery in Egypt is that paradigmatic story for the people of God as described by the Hebrew Testament. This Sunday, September 30th, the climax of that story — Exodus chapter 14 — is the focus of Pastor Dave’s sermon, “Exit Stage Left.”

Over the past few months, worship at WUMC mostly focused on the origin story of the church presented in Acts of the Apostles, and the amazing parable on loving all our neighbors that is The Good Moabite the book of Ruth. This Sunday, September 30th, we return to using the Narrative Lectionary as our guide (for most weeks).

Ok, but what is the Narrative Lectionary and why are we using it?

Good question. The Narrative Lectionary is a cycle of biblical readings that “shows the breadth and variety of voices within the major episodes in Scripture. The readings are arranged in a narrative sequence to help us see Scripture as a story that has coherence and a dynamic movement. The stories tell of hope and disappointment, suffering and redemption.” [source]

Which brings us back to Exodus: The story of God as Liberator of slaves. The story that demonstrates that God is on the side of the oppressed, hears their cries, and acts to bring freedom and justice.

How can we, the church, embody God’s way of freedom and justice? Be part of the conversation this Sunday, September 30th. All are welcome.