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Apr 09, 2023 | Rev Danita Anderson

Tomb Busters

EVERY MORNING IS EASTER FROM NOW ON!!!  Well, at least it should be!  But then, I don't know about you, but for happens!!!  The amazing experience of Resurrection Hope and Love gets dashed to the ground when we hear of the violence and injustice of our world.  Or when our personal lives are disrupted by death, divorce and/or drugs.  What life in the midst of death, we may ask?  How is it possible to see the promise of the Resurrection in the midst of all that occurs on a daily basis?


The true message of the Resurrection is one that transcends all of the despair and disappointment that exists and reminds us of the promises of God.  These promises are the "TOMB BUSTERS" for our lives.  The promises that remind us of God's presence and power that is always available to us.


We will talk about some of those TOMB BUSTERS on Sunday.  Join us at 10:00 a.m. in person or on YouTube.