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Apr 07, 2024 | Rev Danita Anderson

You've Got a Friend in Me

This Sunday is generally referred to as "low Sunday".  The excitement of Easter has faded and everything "returns to normal".  Now of course it depends a lot on what your "normal" is whether you return to it or not!! 


This is also the Sunday where most sermons focus on Thomas and his lack of faith.  So often Thomas' request to see the actual nail prints is viewed as a "lack of faith", when in fact Thomas represents so many of us who just want something we can touch to validate our questions and uncertainties.  We want the same thing as Thomas did back then -- a sure and certain way of knowing that all is not lost.


But more importantly, there are other underlying questions that rarely get addressed in this passage.  Let's see   if we can find another this week as we look at "YOU'VE GOT A FRIEND IN ME".  What does it mean to pick up the mantle and carry on the work of Jesus knowing the cost and possible responses it may cause?  How do we handle what comes next?   Join us on Sunday as we take a different look at the plight of Thomas and the other disciples after the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.  We would love to see you in person at 10:00 a.m..  If not, join us on YouTube.