It Ain't About Math

09.15.23 | by Rev Danita Anderson

One of the needed skills in life is that of basic math.  The simple concepts of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are used in so many ways on an average day.  And most times we don't even think about it.  We look at our receipts from shopping for food and everything else; we calculate our tips at restaurants; and on and on.  Math-- A regular part of our life that we don't think twice about. 

Sometimes it turns out that math is more top of mind than it should be when we look at our relationship with others.  We forgive but don't forget.  We remember the wrong done to us by others and limit our interactions with them.  We do this with people as well as organizations we are connected to.  It happens to all of us. 

But the conversation this week reminds us that "IT'S NOT ABOUT THE MATH" after all.  Our relationships with others ought not be based on calculations of missteps but on grace that has been extended to us by God.  How do we do that and where do we begin?  Let's see if we can come up with some answers together.  Join me this Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m..  We would love to see you in person.  But if not, join us on YouTube. 

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