They Have No Wine

The very first miracle Jesus performed in the Bible is turning water into wine, as recorded in John, chapter 2. Jesus and his disciples were invited to a wedding in Cana of Galilee, so they went. Mary, the mother of Jesus, was also invited, and she attended as well. During the wedding celebration, the wine ran out. Mary informed Jesus that there was no more wine to serve. Jesus instructed the servants to fill six large pots to the brim with water, and then he turned the water into wine. When the master of the feast tasted it, he called the groom over to commend him for saving the good wine until last.
Mary spoke only two sentences in the story: 1. “They have no wine.” to Jesus. 2. “Do whatever he tells you.” to servants. Jesus responded to his mother, saying, “My hour has not yet come.” However, he took her concern seriously and performed a miraculous sign for her and the wedding couple. What can we learn from Mary and Jesus in this story? They reveal important lessons we need as followers of Jesus. Please come join us and explore together these lessons from John, chapter 2.
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