I am sure that you appreciated a day with one less email last week, but don’t worry…….I’m back!!!!! I just want to be in touch and remind you that it’s time to return to worship! We want you to return and join us in worship on Sunday mornings – IN PERSON!!! We want to see your face and be with you in person as soon as you are comfortable.
As you may have noticed when you watched on YouTube or looked at the guidelines, there are several medical precautions in place – masks and hand sanitizing are required in the building, seating is spaced out to allow for social distancing, air purifiers are in place in the sanctuary and narthex, etc.. We are still exercising care for our more vulnerable population here at church. Our mantra as a denomination and as a people is “do no harm” and we endeavor to make that our reality as well. Please consider joining us.
Here are some important reminders for you. Please be sure to check your eNews on Friday for upcoming events. Sunday we will have a “Blessing of the Wheels” and the details are in the eNews. Don’t miss it!
- If you wish to join us for worship on Sunday at 10:00 a.m. in person, please plan to register. The link for registering is: register to worship . Should you change your mind after you have registered, you may cancel your registration at any time.
- When you register to attend, there are some guidelines that you will receive. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE follow them carefully. There is no eating or drinking allowed in the building. During worship, you can read the responses and hum, but we ask that you not sing……just yet!!! We know this is very different but it is our way of trying to insure a safe environment for everyone.
- If you are more comfortable continuing to watch at home, not to worry!!!! We will continue to provide that opportunity on our YouTube channel indefinitely. Tune in on Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m. and watch the livestream or go back and watch anytime. Whatever your choice, please join us.
- As United Methodists we observe our sacraments in “community” and not in isolation. That means we offer opportunities for baptism and/or communion when the community of faith gathers and participates. We have found deep significance and meaning in our “special and individual touches” included in our sacraments here at Woodridge UMC. Our desire is to maintain these intimate and personalized details. However, the pandemic has made it very difficult to do so.
- So, if you are interested in being in community and joining others for Holy Communion, we offer that opportunity via ZOOM on Sundays at noon. Please let me know by 6:00 p.m. on Saturday ( ). You will receive the liturgy and ZOOM link on Saturday evening.
- And yes, we have some children (with their families) awaiting baptism. We need to spend a little more time figuring out all of the details regarding our limitations in person and the challenges of livestream and our policy with children appearing on our social media. Thus, we are looking to have a more definitive word about baptisms at a later date.
Come on back!!!! We miss you and want to be with you!
Blessings and peace,
Pastor Danita