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Mar 06, 2022 | Rev Danita Anderson

Our End Is Our Beginning

Today marks the first Sunday in the season of Lent.  The 40 days before Easter (not including Sundays) are days of deep reflection and introspection.  In days gone by it was a time when persons were prepared for baptism and those who had broken relationship with their community could enter into a time of reconciliation.  Ultimately experiencing a new beginning both for baptismal candidates and those whose sin had driven them from their community.  

The Lenten season began on Ash Wednesday and we started it off with the imposition of ashes on one another's forehead.  While the observance of Lent and Ash Wednesday have deep and strong roots especially in the Catholic Church, it is considered by other Christian denominations as a "new thing" and has only become a part of our tradition within the last 50 or so years. 

Our scripture lessons for this Sunday -- creation of humanity and the Resurrection-- serve as a place for us to begin the Lenten journey.  We are reminded of our beginning as dust and the ultimate end that we look forward to... resurrection.  Yes, "OUR END IS OUR BEGINNING".   

Like I mentioned on Wednesday, ashes are not the end.  Ashes or the stardust of God's creating, are reminders of our beginning points in this human form that we know.  Maybe you noticed a little "sparkle" in your ashes from us on Wednesday??!! 

But, being formed from God's stardust, has some expectations and responsibilities.  Let's try to wrap our heads around those on Sunday at 10 a.m..  join us in person or on YouTube.  See you then!!!