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Jul 10, 2022 | Rev Danita Anderson

When the Competition Gets Fierce, Stand on Faith

In this day and time, we find ourselves being distracted by so many things -- some relevant and some not so much.  Our families and friends play a big part in those distractions as well.  And society adds its share of distractions to the mix. Whether it the decisions made by the Supreme Court or the inaction of the government on issues of mental illness, gun control or inequities of all kinds.  Things and people competing for our attention and response.


Some of them spilling over into our time we spend with God.  Of course it's not intentional and we don't mean to give it priority.  It just happens that way.  And don't let it be conflicting values and basic tenets of the faith!!  Oh boy. 


But those are places where we should put extra energy and effort.  To share what we believe and (should be practicing) are just what the world is longing to see and experience!  If more Christians would stand up and fight for what is right, the world would not be going as sideways as it is!  Our task is to stand up for the least, the last and the left out.  To help their voices to be heard over and above all of the competing voices.  We must become the force of nature that says "WHEN THE COMPETITION GETS FIERCE, STAND ON FAITH"!!  


Join me on Sunday at 10:00 a.m. in person or on YouTube as we wrestle with how and when to stand on our faith.