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Apr 28, 2019 | Rev Dave Buerstetta

Doubting in Good Faith

We’re used to describing Thomas as the one disciple who struggled with believing Jesus could actually be resurrected. So much so that we likely know him best as “Doubting Thomas.” But, it turns out, he wasn’t alone. Jesus’ one post-Resurrection appearance in the gospel of Matthew gives us this:

             “The eleven disciples, having spoken to the Marys, headed to Galilee, to the mountain where they were to meet Jesus. When the disciples saw Jesus there, many of them fell down and worshiped, as Mary and the other Mary had done. But a few hung back. They were not sure.” 

As Matthew’s story concludes, Jesus is certain but his followers are not. Isn’t that at least somewhat comforting? To know we aren’t the first followers to be unsure of how to respond to Jesus?

 What are we to do when everyone around us seems certain about their faith but we’re not?

Where in the life of the community at Woodridge UMC do we have safe space to doubt, to question, to wonder, to disagree?

How might we best live into the “big tent” idea that has infused the Methodist movement since its inception? 

Pastor Dave will wrestle with these ideas and more this Sunday, April 28th, in his sermon, “Doubting in Good Faith.” All are welcome!

"A reminder to serve together regardless of disagreements.  Everyone should be allowed to exist where they want regardless of whether or not you disagree." - Anonymous

"We are not the first followers of Jesus to have doubts.  Early disciples of Jesus joined Thomas in his disbelief. Many of our doubts are with each other when we disagree about what Jesus wants of us.  May we be a safe space for doubt." - Anonymous

"When disciples encountered the risen Jesus, they did not know how to respond.  Similar to us as a Church, we are unsure how to disagree; how we disagree is based on authority, the Bible and boundaries. 
We need to address who we allow to determine what is right.  We can disagree and still love each other. We can not deny someone their humanity and right to exist. 'Should yo be able to exist where I think you should not exist.' -Doug Lanville
The disciples doubted while they believed.  Who can we share with this week that God promises to be with us to the end of time?" - Glenn Nelson