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Dec 16, 2018 | Rev Dave Buerstetta

Time to Go!

This Sunday is the third week of Advent. But just what is Advent again?

(Beyond an excuse to extract chocolate from a calendar, that is.) 

According to the United Methodist Book of Worship, Advent is the time “we prepare to celebrate the arrival of Christ once again.” [blinks…blinks again] Well, yeah. Advent is a time of preparation and waiting…but what does it mean

Narrative Lectionary resource, Spill the Beans offers this word association for Advent:


That’s intriguing but perhaps a bit too…esoteric?

How about this quote from author Arundhati Roy (about whom Fred Clark recently wrote):

“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.” 

Roy did not write that about Advent, and yet I agree that it is “about as good a summary of what Advent means as you’ll find.” What other sources might help us explore this idea this week?

  • Our series based on African American spirituals, Mary Had a Baby, continues with “Children, Go Where I Send You.” (Originally, “Children, Go Where I Send Thee” but the version we have uses “You.”)
  • The story that inspired that spiritual from the Gospel of Luke 2:1-7
  • And the original —and still the best— Advent song from the Gospel of Luke 1:46-55

 What is this “other world that is possible and on her way”?

When do we “hear her breathing”?

What threatens to stop her breathing?

How might the two songs, one old and one ancient, provide context and direction? 

Pastor Dave will attempt to address these questions and more this Sunday, December 16th in his sermon, “Mary Had a Baby (Part 3): Time to Go!

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