
You'll Be In My Heart
My time for planting and watering has come to a close and I'm passing on the baton to Pastor Dave Yim.
Seize the Day
Ways to be better connected to God? Ways to be better connected with our neighbors?  SEIZE THE DAY! J
We Are One
Just as important as being on the team is knowing the purpose and goals of the team.
Through Heaven's Eyes
Even when we talk about our church, we sometimes use other "lens" and standards that only reflect a portion of who we are.
Join us as Rev. Fisher speaks on forgiveness.
Living Loving
Be Love: All the time and not just when it is convenvient or easy.
The Circle of Life
Our interdependence upon one another and all aspects of God's created world, is an eye-opening phenomenon.  
You've Got a Friend in Me
What does it mean to pick up the mantle and carry on the work of Jesus knowing the cost and possible responses it may cause? 
A Whole New World
Our faith is a story that reminds us that we do not exist in our own little vacuum-sealed space but in a world that requires us to care about our neighbors regardless of who they are or aren't.

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