
Economics for the Journey
How important is your "stuff" and how important is your relationship with God? What are you focused on?  What are your thoughts as you travel this faith journey? 
Be Careful What You Ask For
Sometimes following Jesus requires a "review" time where we have to be reminded of something we should already have learned. 
Rules for the Road
Whether it is because of financial constraints or traveling restrictions, everyone isn't able to come and go as they please. 
The Reckless Love of God
God's Holy Spirit is at work in and through the people of Long Island as the recovery from SuperStorm Sandy continues.
Sacred Connections
It has nothing to do with church so why do we have to talk about it here? Can't we just keep church stuff separate from stuff in the world?
Change Your Mind to Change the World
Jesus wants us to try and taste new things – things that might take us out of our comfort zones and show us new perspectives and new outlooks.
Where Do We Go From Here?
As our beloved United Methodist denomination struggles with who she will be, we need to be clear about who WE will be. 
Wild, Wild Wind
God’s Holy Spirit ignites a brand new day: some speak like never before, others hear in ways they never thought possible.
Jailhouse Rocked
The type of invitation that can change a person's life and cause them to go home and tell the people they live with that there is a God whose love transcends all of the chains that keep us bound.

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