
Searching for Positive I.D.
But what type of identification do we have that shows others that we are Christian/followers of Jesus Christ? 
Creating New Pathways
Times have changed but the message has not.  We must continue the work of carrying the message of hope and peace to the rest of the world for our time. 
Open for Business!
Opening the eyes of our heart allows us to see the needs of others as a priority and not just a "thing to do".
Right Place, Right Time, Right Woman
Esther finds herself in a precarious position perched on the precipice between wielding power or seeing her people perish. What risks are we willing to take for the Kin-dom’s sake?
The Choice is Clear
And who can say that the choices that have been made (throughout life) have been the right and/or best choices made in each situation.
A Voice in the Crowd
Our task is to brighten the world as we travel through it, finding ways to show God's love to a world that seemingly knows only darkness.
The Curious Case of 'The Question'
No matter who you are or what you do to live, thrive, and survive, we all face life’s big questions from time to time — even, or maybe especially, when we least expect them. 

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