
Bread for the Journey
We will take a look at how important bread is in our work as the people of God on a journey.
Road Trip Rules
Being a Christian is also a journey.  But this journey is different that any other journey we may embark upon and has some different rules.
How Dare You?!
You know there is a seemingly endless array of injustices in the world worthy of your indignation. 
Calculations of Hospitality
Our focus as followers on a common journey of faith is to extend hospitality, compassion and grace to all we encounter. 
Rest or Labor?
How do we simultaneously care for our whole selves and care for all those experiencing so much pain? Where is God in all this? 
God's Law and Order
What can be done to redeem, reform and restore our world back to the "law and order" that God intended for us? 
Good Trouble Required!
Right now, our world needs us who follow Christ to raise the banner high of steadfast commitment to keep up the good work!!! 
No Regrets!
A little hard-core conversation around what we believe and know about the faith is just what we need right now!!! 
Seeding Growth
How might God’s Holy Spirit be at work in and around and through us during these challenging, turbulent times?

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