
He Said, She Said, We Should Say
The kinds of things that we say influence our families and friends and speak volumes to the persons we encounter that we do not know us.
God's Elevator Pitch
What is paramount for your understanding of God: concepts, prayers, characteristics, stories, or some combination of them all?
Being Colorblind
What are the advantages - and dangers - of trying to see all people as the same? 
Now Get to Work!!
God has a strange sense of humor sometimes.  Sunday is designated as Peace With Justice Sunday and oh my goodness do we need to talk a little about that!!
The Power and Promise of Pentecost
But Paul's message remind us that God's message of love and hope is for ALL people.  All peoples are needed with all kinds of gifts to carry out God's work!
Making a Difference
As a church and as a country and as people of faith, the question for us continues to be one of how are we changing the world around us. 
Telling Better Love Stories
What might happen if we told different stories about how love works in and through and with and (when necessary) in spite of us?

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