
Exploring the Options
What choices do we make after having experienced the Resurrection?  Where do we go?  What do we say?  How do we respond? 
This is Only the Beginning
Our story continues to be one of showing how much God's love becomes real in each of the lives we encounter on a daily basis.
Preparing for Change
We have traveled this road before and know the difficulty.  But imagine. if you will, of looking at Holy Week as the start of a revolution?!
Life is a Journey
Sometimes it feels as though we are awaiting an event that takes so long in occurring that we wonder if it will truly ever happen. 
First Impressions
iLove God and love your neighbors, If we take seriously the most important commandment, do others see that we love God with all that we are and our neighbors as well? 
Lunch Box Heroes
Ever feel like something has been “directed against you?” It doesn’t feel very good, does it?
Hungry for More
Are you hungry? For what are you hungry? Breakfast? Lunch? Or something completely different?

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